250 research outputs found

    Søren Kierkegaard: Un pensador fronterer

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    El propòsit de la present comunicació és presentar Kierkegaard des de la noció filosòfica de límit com a clau hermenèutica per entendre tant el contingut com la forma del seu pensament. És des d'aquesta noció, fonamentalment definida per Kant des de la metàfora de la «frontera [Grenze]» de la raó i criticada per Hegel des del moviment «negatiu» de la dialèctica especulativa, que Kierkegaard és vist com un pensador que, lluny d'assenyalar el límit entre la filosofia i el cristianisme, el que fa és convertir-se, ell mateix, en la frontera. El que mirarem de mostrar és com Kierkegaard, precisament pel fet de ser religiós, escenifica el límit de la filosofia en el seu propi discurs i crea, així, una nova forma de filosofar que consisteix, no a conèixer el límit, com ha intentat de fer sempre la filosofia, sinó a reconèixer-lo i il·luminar-lo negativament en el discurs.The purpose of this paper is to present Kierkegaard from the philosophical notion of limit as a hermeneutical key to understand both the content and the form of his thought. It is from this notion, fundamentally defined by Kant from the metaphor of the «boundary [Grenze]» of reason and criticized by Hegel from the «negative movement» of speculative dialectics, that Kierkegaard is seen as a thinker who, far from pointing out the limit between philosophy and Christianity, he becomes the boundary himself. What we try to show is how Kierkegaard, precisely for being a religious thinker, dramatizes the limit of philosophy within its own discourse and creates, in this way, a new form of doing philosophy, which consists of not knowing the limit, as all philosoph

    Elaboració de seqüències didàctiques. Les aplicacions de la Física i la Química en la Meteorologia

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    L'elaboració de seqüències didàctiques ens permet assolir un doble objectiu: l'autofor-mació del professorat (individualment o en grup) i l'aplicació de nous mètodes d'en-senyament de les ciències innovadors. Tot plegat amb la finalitat d'afavorir l'interès gene-ral envers les Ciències de la Naturalesa

    Las imágenes en la promoción de los destinos de turismo religioso: el caso de Montserrat

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    En el turismo religioso la calidad de la experiencia del visitante depende de varios factores. La naturaleza de la experiencia del visitante en el lugar sagrado es muy compleja porque es intangible e incluye elementos como la atmósfera y el mérito espiritual de la visita, entre otros. Como sostienen varios autores, la experiencia y la satisfacción del visitante están directamente relacionadas con las imágenes a las que está expuesto antes de la visita. La imagen que un visitante tiene de un destino condicionará no sólo sus expectativas sino también su comportamiento una vez en el sitio. Esta imagen se configura a través de fuentes muy diferentes, como imágenes universales, publicidad para el destino, literatura, televisión y cine, revistas, blogs y sitios web, redes sociales, el boca-oreja y muchos más. Aunque, como podemos ver, las fuentes no siempre son controlables, es importante conocer la imagen (visual u otra) que se transmite del destino  para poder introducir cambios en ella y  conocer las expectativas de los visitantes. En este estudio se propone analizar la imagen de Montserrat, el destino turístico religioso más importante de Cataluña, para determinar si las imágenes emitidas coinciden con las imágenes recibidas en el caso del turismo religioso o si existe una discordancia que puede conducir a experiencias decepcionantes del visitante Debido al destino no estar a la altura de las expectativas

    Developing Spiritual Tourism for Youngsters, the Spirit-Youth example

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    Spiritual tourism was coined from an academic standpoint only recently, probably because the word spiritual is difficult to define and the label can therefore include different types of supply. Spiritually motivated tourists are an emerging niche (Aulet, Vidal-Casellas, & Crous, 2015). According to UNTWO estimates, around 330 million tourists visit the main religious sites each year, spiritual motivation being one of the most important reasons for this (Lanquar, 2007). Bywater (1994) also mentioned that spiritual travel occupies an important segment of international tourism and has been growing steadily. SPIRIT-Youth is a COSME project (COSME-TOUR-2015-3-04) funded by the European Commission’s Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME). The SPIRIT-Youth project is a proposal for stimulating tourism mobility among young people out of season via spiritual tourism. In this paper presents the results of the pilot test. The idea of the project is to offer a transnational spiritual tourism product to attract mainly but not only the youth tourism market. The product consists of an itinerary across several European countries, with the common theme of spirituality, understood in a global sense; that includes religious sites and religious motivations. Each region participating in the project (Limburg, Prato and Catalonia) identified a minimum of 10 activities related to Spiritual Tourism and a pilot test was carried out. Each region hosted a group of 25 youngsters testing the activities and giving their feedback. They had a “travel diary” to note down their experiences and later provide feedback on the tested products and answered some questionnaires. With the results of the pilot test we are able to analyse their concept about spiritual tourism activities, the things to improve or to change in the activities proposed… The aim is to develop guidelines for the creation of spiritual tourism products for youngsters

    Promotion of learning skills in the study of economics. pilot project in the subject area of

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    This communication is part of a larger teaching innovation project financed by the University of Barcelona, whose objective is to develop and evaluate transversal competences of the UB, learning ability and responsibility. The competence is divided into several sub-competencies being the ability to analyze and synthesis the most intensely worked in the first year. The work presented here part from the results obtained in phase 1 and 2 previously implemented in other subjects (Mathematics and History) in the first year of the degree of Business Administration Degree. In these subjects’ previous experiences there were deficiencies in the acquisition of learning skills by the students. The work in the subject of Mathematics facilitated that students become aware of the deficit. The work on the subject of History insisted on developing readings schemes and with the practical exercises was sought to go deeply in the development of this competence. The third phase presented here is developed in the framework of the second year degree, in the World Economy subject. The objective of this phase is the development and evaluation of the same cross competence of the previous phases, from a practice that includes both, quantitative analysis and critical reflection. Specifically the practice focuses on the study of the dynamic relationship between economic growth and the dynamics in the distribution of wealth. The activity design as well as the selection of materials to make it, has been directed to address gaps in the ability to analyze and synthesize detected in the subjects of the first year in the previous phases of the project. The realization of the practical case is considered adequate methodology to improve the acquisition of competence of the students, then it is also proposed how to evaluate the acquisition of such competence. The practice is evaluated based on a rubric developed in the framework of the project objectives. Thus at the end of phase 3 we can analyze the process that have followed the students, detect where they have had major difficulties and identify those aspects of teaching that can help to improve the acquisition of skills by the students. The interest of this phase resides in the possibility to value whether tracing of learning through competences, organized in a collaborative way, is a good tool to develop the acquisition of these skills and facilitate their evaluation.2012PID-UB/00

    El punto de vista sobre mi actividad como escritor: Tan sólo un punto de vista

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    El punto de vista sobre mi actividad como escritor: Tan sólo un punto de vist

    Al marge de l'escriptura: lectura de Cap a Tirèsies de Víctor Sunyol

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    El propòsit d'aquest article és oferir una lectura de Cap a Tirèsies del poeta Víctor Sunyol (Vic, 1955). Essent aquesta una obra d'assaig-ficció que es presenta amb el cos del text completament buit, i de la qual només han quedat els paratextos del marge de la seva escriptura, hom es preguntarà pel sentit d'aquest buit i, si en té, com cal entendre'l. Com veurem, a partir de les reflexions del mateix Sunyol i de l'ajuda d'altres crítics, el que fa l'editor no autor d'aquest llibre és oferir no una obra sinó l'absència d'obra, és a dir, l'espai de silenci d'una escriptura que, en comptes de donar sentit, el que fa és interpel·lar el lector a configurar-lo, a gaudir de la lectura de la seva reescriptura, no pas del seu consum.The purpose of this paper is to offer an interpretation of Cap a Tirèsies by the poet Víctor Sunyol (Vic, 1955). As this is a fictional essay with the body of the text completely empty, and there only remain the paratexts in the margin of the script, one wonders what the meaning of this empty space might be and, if there is indeed any meaning, how it is to be understood. As we shall see, on the basis of Sunyol's own reflexions, and with help from other critics, what the publisher of this book -not the author- does is offer not a work but the absence of one, that is to say, space filled with silence in a script which, instead of providing a sense, appeals to the reader to create one, and thus enjoy reading a recreated text instead of simply acting as a consumer